Whilst South American food is not as well known as other cuisines, those people in the know understand just how delicious and varied it can be. Here is a list of unforgettable culinary experiences you should try in Latin America
Ceviche in Peru - This started in Peru but is widespread across South America. It involves raw white fish cured with citrus juice, chilli, onion and coriander. Think of it as the South American sashimi
Empanadas in Argentina - The crispy, semi-circle-shaped pastry is served hot and filled with meat, veggies and cheese.
Pisco Sour in Chile - This popular cocktail is becoming more famous around the world and whilst it started in Chile, it can now be found in almost every bar in Latin America. Pisco is a local brandy, and it is mixed with egg whites, angostura bitter, lime juice and sugar.
Dulce de Leche in Colombia - Dulche de Leche is a popular confection that is found in many Latin American desserts. It is a milky caramel made from milk, sugar and vanilla and is served with everything from doughnuts to toast.
Platanos Fritos - Fried plantains are a staple South American delight and can be found on almost every corner!