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Travel Blogging

Travel Blogging

Nowadays you’ll find an internet café in any of the main tourist and traveller destinations around the world, meaning that those who decide to go on a gap year have the internet at their fingertips throughout their travels. Because of this, one of the most recent gap year trends to emerge is to start up your own blog, essentially posting a diary of your adventures online as you travel. These are also a great way of letting friends and family know what you are up to and recording your journey as you move through destinations.

Tell your travel story

Travel blogs can be in as much or as little detail as you want, and you can upload photographs and images alongside your text to show the world the exciting trip styles you’ve done, the new people you’ve have met and the amazing locations that you have visited so far. They can be updated and edited as often as you like and help you to record what you’ve done as you go. Staying in touch is important both for you and for your parents and friends at home.  As well as this, once you have returned home, you can print of the pages to form a memoir of your travels (though you may want to add in any of those little details that you didn’t particularly want your parents or the rest of the world to read).

Post your blog

There are many websites on which you can post your travel blog for free. You could even look to earn a bit of money for your trouble by posting on a professional site and hope you get enough hits to make some money from adverts and sponsors. Remember to set up your blog before you leave for your gap trip as you might not be able to set up an account when you are abroad.

Be different!

There are some great examples of existing travel blogs online. You could simply treat yours as a diary, retelling the adventures of your gap year, but more and more people are looking to create ‘niche’ travel blogs with their own original take on travelling, including blogs about green travel, exotic cuisine and even ‘Olga, The Travelling Bra’. Whatever you decide to write about, travel blogs are a fantastic, simple and inexpensive way to record and remember your travels and share your own inspirational gap year stories with the world. For ideas of great ways to blog, including travel stories, gap year advice and much much more visit our Gap 360 Guidebook

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