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Not Going to Uni? How to Improve Your Employability (and Travel) In 1 Year

By Gap 360

Last updated: 13th August 2014

You've spent the last 13 years of your life in school, now it's time to ditch off the textbooks. If you've decided not to go to uni, you literally have the whole world at your feet and that is BLOODY EXCITING.

Not sure whether to stick it out at home or go travelling? Check out our amazing one year plan and you'll soon know where you want to be...

September: Thailand

The first month in the gap year calendar, and you're about to start your incredible first year in the 'Real' world! We recommend jumping on to the Thai Adventure, which is one of our signature trips. Not only will you get to chill out for the month (as let's face it, you deserve it!) but you'll also get to meet loads of other travellers too.

Did you know: that over 84% of our customers travel solo? If you think you're going to be the only one on your own, think again! The Thailand Experience is the perfect place to start as group numbers are big and you'll be able to meet other people with similar interests to you.

October-February: Sydney, Australia

Something which sits incredibly pretty on a CV is experience. Nab yourself a working holiday visa and in no time you'll be working Down Under. Best thing is that you'll be over in sunny Australia during their summer, so you'll be able to catch some rays whilst you rake in the dosh. Work in Australia for five months, and you'll come back to the UK with bags of experience to boast about when you're being interviewed for jobs when you return home. You'll also be earning enough to support yourself AND save for future adventures, so essentially you're travelling/seeing the world for free!

Did you know: that you can expect to get $20-25 dollars an hour, ie- £13-15 from casual work in Australia?

Example: Gap 360's Sam has just come back from her year abroad and she ended up working at Louis Vuitton's Australian head office!

March- April: Hong Kong, China

Chasing the good weather back to Asia, fly up to Hong Kong in March and hit up one of our Internships. You could work in anything from business and finance, marketing to IT. During these six weeks you'll gain experience with a top company, which will SHINE on your CV next to your work experience in Australia. Talk about hitting it out of the park!

Did you know: that 83% of the employers we interviewed in our recent study said that adventure, work or volunteer travel improves (the candidates) chances of being shortlisted for an interview


After spending the last seven months topping up your CV with amazing experience, this is your time to see the world! By now you've travelled in a group on our Thailand Experience, learnt the ropes and probably want some down time to go and see where interests you the most. There are loads of good, cheap airlines in Asia which connect you to other parts of the world. Where do you fancy going?

July: Summer in the UK

Your 'uni mates' have spent their fresher year 'going out' and 'writing the odd essay'. You've partied around Thailand, travelled/worked in Australia for months, interned in the awesome Hong Kong for six weeks AND seen the rest of the world. Now THAT my friends is what you call a year!


How would you spend your first year out of uni? Tell us over on Twitter and we'll RT our favs... hit us up at @gap_360

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