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A group of kids in Halloween costumes

Staying Safe at Halloween

By Gap 360

Last updated: 21st October 2016

If you didn’t already know, Halloween is Huge in the USA. HUGE. But with all that fun going on, it can be difficult to keep in control of children hyped up on free candy.

We’ve put together a couple of tips to help you and the children get the most out of the day and enjoy Halloween safely…

Pumpkin carving is a good way to introduce children to using sharp things safely. Rather than just banning them from using sharp knives you could show how to hold a knife safely and supervise closely, it’s all about learning to be careful and safe.

Candles and kids don’t go well together, candles and polyester costumes definitely don’t mix. Use flickering bulbs and glo-sticks instead of candles. The evening can be a great opportunity to show the difference between real dangers (fire, traffic, poor eating habits) and imagined ones (the dark, clowns, spiders).

Don’t let children go out of sight, head count constantly. If you have a big group that are all your responsibility, give the kids a number each and get them to yell them out in order every now and again to show they are with you and paying attention.

Stick to your own neighbourhood or street for trick-or-treating. Only go up to houses that are decorated and obviously joining in. Encourage everyone to say please and thank you at each house. Parents will love to hear their kids were polite when they were out and about with you.

Show your kids how to cross roads safely, have something reflective, flashing or fluorescent as part of their costumes and take a torch with you.

Don’t have lots of props and accessories yourself so you can hold hands when required, pay full attention to the kids with you and be hands free to steal candy from them.

Do fun things at home with the kids and some of their friends, show that Halloween isn’t just about grabbing and getting, plan simple things like apple bobbing, balloon games and monster mash dancing.

Whatever you choose to do, enjoy your American Halloween safely, have lots of fun and send us some photographs!

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